How to set up Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP to use with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

Learn how to implement Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP as a persistent layer storage to use with your Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS clusters. Explore key strategies for your application data, as well as how to import your existing virtual machines.

Learn how to implement Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP as a persistent layer storage to use with your Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS clusters. Explore key strategies for your application data, as well as how to import your existing virtual machines.

Prerequisites for setting up Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

15 mins

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP (FSxN) comes as a true first-party Amazon Web Services (AWS) offering, just like Elastic Block Store (EBS). In this respect, it can integrate seamlessly with Red Hat® OpenShift® Service on AWS (ROSA) and Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization. When assessing your current configurations, it is important to understand what is already set up and how to make FSxN integration easy. 

What will you learn?

  • Adding FSxN to your environment
  • Importing live virtual machines (VMs) to be supported with FSxN

Setting up your accounts

There are currently two supported credential methods when creating a Red Hat® OpenShift® Service on AWS (ROSA) cluster. One method uses an identity and access management (IAM) user with the AdministratorAccess policy (only for the account using ROSA). The other, more recent, and recommended method uses AWS with STS. In this learning path, we will only be using the STS method.

The following steps will enable you to set up your accounts and environment so you can start deploying and managing your cluster.

  1. Review the prerequisites before getting started.
  2. You will need the following pieces of information from your AWS account:
    1. AWS IAM User
    2. AWS Access Key ID
    3. AWS Secret Access Key
  3. If you do not have a Red Hat account, create one here. Accept the required terms and conditions. Then check your email for a verification link.

Installing the AWS command line interface (CLI)

  1. Install the AWS CLI as per your operating system.

Enable the ROSA service


  1. Enable your AWS account to use ROSA to use ROSA by clicking on the orange “Get started” button on the right. It will direct users to a new page.

    Orange "Get started" button displayed under the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS header on the AWS ROSA page.
    Orange "Get started" button displayed under the Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS header on the AWS ROSA page.


  2. Once in the new page, click the checkbox to agree to terms and then click the “Enable ROSA” button. 
New page to enable ROSA on your AWS account.
New page to enable ROSA on your AWS account.

Install the ROSA CLI

  1. Install the ROSA CLI as per your operating system.
  2. Download and extract the relevant file for your operating system
    1. ex: tar -xvf rosa-linux.tar.gz
  3. Save it to a location within your "PATH".
    1. ex: sudo mv rosa /usr/local/bin/rosa
  4. Run rosa version to make sure it works and that it returns the version number.

Install the OpenShift CLI

There are a few ways to install the OpenShift (oc) CLI:

  1. If you have the rosa CLI installed, the simplest way is to run rosa download oc. Once downloaded, untar (or unzip) the file and move the executables into a directory in your PATH.
  2. Or, you can download and install the latest oc.
  3. Or, if you already have an OpenShift cluster you can access the command line tools page by clicking on the Question mark > Command Line Tools. Then download the relevant tool for your operating system.
The question mark icon in console selected and the Command line tools option highlighted from the dropdown that appears.
The question mark icon in console selected and the Command line tools option highlighted from the dropdown that appears. 

Configure the AWS CLI

If you've just installed the AWS CLI, or simply want to make sure it is using the correct AWS account, follow these steps in a terminal:

  1. Enter aws configure in the terminal.
  2. Enter the AWS Access Key ID and press enter.
  3. Enter the AWS Secret Access Key and press enter.
  4. Enter the default region you want to deploy into.
  5. Enter the output format you want (“table” or “json”). For this guide you can choose “table” as it is easier to read but either is fine.

It should look like the following as an example:

$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID: AKIA0000000000000000
AWS Secret Access Key: NGvmP0000000000000000000000000
Default region name: us-east-1
Default output format: table

Verify the configuration

Verify that the configuration is correct.

  1. Run the following command to query the AWS API:
    aws sts get-caller-identity
  2. You should see a table (or JSON if that’s what you set it to above) like the one below. Verify that the account information is correct.
$ aws sts get-caller-identity
|                                GetCallerIdentity                           |
|    Account   |                   Arn                  |        UserId      |
|  000000000000|  arn:aws:iam::00000000000:user/myuser  |  AIDA00000000000000|

Ensure the elastic load balancer (ELB) service role exists

Make sure that the service role for ELB already exists, otherwise the cluster deployment could fail. As such, run the following to check for the role and create it if it is missing.

aws iam get-role --role-name "AWSServiceRoleForElasticLoadBalancing" || aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name ""

If you received the following error during cluster creation, then the above command should correct it.

Error: Error creating network Load Balancer: AccessDenied: User: arn:aws:sts::970xxxxxxxxx:assumed-role/ManagedOpenShift-Installer-Role/163xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is not authorized to perform: iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::970xxxxxxxxx:role/aws-service-role/"

Log in to your Red Hat account

  1. Enter rosa login in a terminal.
  2. It will prompt you to open a web browser and go to
  3. Log in with your Red Hat account credentials.
  4. Click the "Load token" button.
  5. Copy the token and paste it back into the CLI prompt and press enter. Alternatively, you can just copy the full rosa login --token=abc... command and paste that in the terminal.
    1. OpenShift Cluster Manager API token screen.
      Where to find your API token

Verify credentials

Verify that all the credentials set up are correct.

  1. Run:
    rosa whoami

    You should see an output like below:

    AWS Account ID:               000000000000
    AWS Default Region:           us-east-2
    AWS ARN:                      arn:aws:iam::000000000000:user/myuser
    OCM API:            
    OCM Account ID:               1DzGIdIhqEWy000000000000000
    OCM Account Name:             Your Name
    OCM Account Username:
    OCM Account Email:  
    OCM Organization ID:          1HopHfA20000000000000000000
    OCM Organization Name:        Red Hat
    OCM Organization External ID: 0000000
  2. Please check all information for accuracy before proceeding.
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Overview: How to set up Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP to use with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS
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What is Amazon FSxN?

This learning path is for operations teams or system administrators
Developers may want to check out Transitioning to ROSA HCP on

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