(Quick Start) Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

Learn how to quickly create and deploy a cluster on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)

This path covers using the integrated ROSA wizard tool in console. For a more in-depth walkthrough using the command line interface, please see Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS.

Learn how to quickly create and deploy a cluster on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)

This path covers using the integrated ROSA wizard tool in console. For a more in-depth walkthrough using the command line interface, please see Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS.

(Quick Start) Getting started with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)

10 mins

Red Hat® OpenShift® Service on AWS (ROSA) is a turnkey application platform that provides a managed Red Hat OpenShift service running natively on Amazon Web Services (AWS), allowing organizations to increase operational efficiency, refocus on innovation, and quickly build, deploy and scale applications.

To access a quick start that guides you through setup, please follow this link to the Red Hat Console.

What do you need before starting?

Prepare your AWS account

  1. Enable the ROSA Service in your AWS account. 

    ROSA needs to be enabled on your AWS account to work properly. Open the AWS Console to enable ROSA.

  2. Download and install the ROSA and AWS command line tools (CLI) and add it to your PATH. 

    Follow the instructions to install the rosa CLI for your operating system and architecture. 

    Then, follow the instructions to install the AWS CLI for your operating system. If you have AWS CLI already installed, you can skip downloading.

  3. Create the service linked role for the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB). 

    Your AWS account must have a service-linked role set up to allow ROSA to utilize the ELB. 

    1. To check if the role exists for your account, run this command in your terminal:
     aws iam get-role --role-name "AWSServiceRoleForElasticLoadBalancing"

    2. If the role doesn't exist, create it by running the following command:

     aws iam create-service-linked-role --aws-service-name "elasticloadbalancing.amazonaws.com"
  4. Log in to the ROSA CLI with your Red Hat account token and create AWS account roles and policies.

    Your AWS account must have a service-linked role set up to allow ROSA to utilize the ELB. 

    1. To authenticate, run this command:
     rosa login --token="TOKEN GOES HERE"

    (The wizard will show you token in the code snippet above.)

    2. To create the necessary account-wide roles and policies quickly, use the default auto method that's provided in the ROSA CLI:

     rosa create account-roles --mode auto

    If you would prefer to manually create the required roles and policies within your AWS account:

  5. Verify your credentials and quotas.

    1. To verify that your credentials are set up correctly, run this command:
     rosa whoami

    2. To verify that your AWS account has enough quotas in the region you will be deploying your cluster, run this command:

     rosa verify quota

    NOTE: If you're using AWS Organizations to manage the AWS accounts that host the ROSA service, the organization's service control policy (SCP) must be configured to allow Red Hat to perform policy actions that are listed in the SCP without restriction.

Deploy the cluster and set up access

Select a deployment method:

Deploy with web interface

You can deploy your cluster with the web interface. NOTE: Your AWS account will need to be associated with your Red Hat account.

Deploy with CLI

Run the create command in your terminal to begin setup in interactive mode.

rosa create cluster

More information on CLI instruction

Get more support

Check out the Get support resource on the Getting started with ROSA learning path for ways you can get help when creating and managing a cluster. 

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