How to troubleshoot errors in Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)

Learn how to fix some common errors that may occur when building a cluster and deploying an application on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA). 

You can also watch this interactive demonstration on how to install ROSA, from creating an account to deploying applications.

Learn how to fix some common errors that may occur when building a cluster and deploying an application on Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA). 

You can also watch this interactive demonstration on how to install ROSA, from creating an account to deploying applications.

Architecture and system formatting errors

10 mins

If you are running Red Hat® OpenShift® Service on AWS on a Mac (ARM-based) or Windows platform, you may run into some specific architecture and formatting errors.

'exec format' error

If you are working on a Mac that uses an Apple M1 Pro chip, you may receive the following error when attempting to deploy the API:

exec /usr/bin/container-entrypoint: exec format error

This error occurs when you are attempting to run an x86 build on an ARM-based machine. You can specify the platform by running the following commands:

# Build for ARM64 (default) 
docker build -t <image-name>:<version>-arm64 . 

# Build for ARM64 
docker build --platform=linux/arm64 -t <image-name>:<version>-arm64 . 

# Build for AMD64 
docker build --platform=linux/amd64 -t <image-name>:<version>-amd64 .


x509 errors on a Windows platform

If you are working on a Windows platform, you may receive an error similar to this:

can’t send request: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

This error means that the ROSA command line interface (CLI) isn’t using the system root certificate authority/trust store but is instead using embedded certificates in the OCM Go package (ocm sdk) to validate the TLS connections for and Red Hat's Customer Portal (SSO).

To resolve this issue, you should be using the ROSA CLI version 1.1.5 or later. Check the version by running the following command:

rosa.exe version

You can find the latest version of the ROSA CLI from the Red Hat Openshift downloads page

For more information about this issue, read the verified solution in the Red Hat Customer Portal (requires a Red Hat subscription or product trial). 

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