CI/CD Pipelines and Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

Learn about continuous integration and continuous development and deployment (CI/CD) to better standardize your organization’s development practices. 

Learn about continuous integration and continuous development and deployment (CI/CD) to better standardize your organization’s development practices. 

Experiment with CI/CD on Developer Sandbox

30 mins

Now that you have learned about CI/CD and how it can function with Red Hat® OpenShift® Service on Amazon Web Services, you can try building out pipeline solutions in the Red Hat Developer Sandbox. 

If you need a more guided experience before using sandbox, try our instructional lab first. 

What will you learn?

  • Hands-on experience setting up CI/CD frameworks within Red Hat OpenShift

What do you need before starting?

Steps for using Developer Sandbox

The Red Hat Developer Sandbox is a 30-day, no-cost trial for developers to experiment with building on a cluster. You can use the Sandbox to walk through various activities to create your very own working CI/CD pipeline.

Get started on the sandbox now

  1. Once your account is created (or you’re signed in), you can begin building by following along with this exercise for OpenShift Pipelines
  2. If you want to expand on your build, follow our developer’s path for more in-depth information on GitOps
  3. If you have created an application successfully through Developer Sandbox and want to save your work elsewhere, follow these steps to export your items to your own ROSA cluster
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Example: Tekton and Pipelines
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This learning path is for operations teams or system administrators

Developers may want to check out the ultimate CI/CD guide on 

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