Cloud Experts Documentation

Setup a VPN Connection into an ARO Cluster with OpenVPN

This content is authored by Red Hat experts, but has not yet been tested on every supported configuration.

When you configure an Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) cluster with a private only configuration, you will need connectivity to this private network in order to access your cluster. This guide will show you how to configute a point-to-site VPN connection so you won’t need to setup and configure Jump Boxes.


  • a private ARO Cluster
  • git
  • openssl

Create certificates to use for your VPN Connection

There are many ways and methods to create certificates for VPN, the guide below is one of the ways that works well. Note, that whatever method you use, make sure it supports “X509v3 Extended Key Usage”.

  1. Clone OpenVPN/easy-rsa

    git clone
  2. Change to the easyrsa directory

    cd easy-rsa/easyrsa3
  3. Initialize the PKI

    ./easyrsa init-pki
  4. Edit certificate parameters

    Uncomment and edit the copied template with your values

    vim pki/vars
    set_var EASYRSA_REQ_COUNTRY   "US"
    set_var EASYRSA_REQ_PROVINCE  "California"
    set_var EASYRSA_REQ_CITY      "San Francisco"
    set_var EASYRSA_REQ_ORG       "Copyleft Certificate Co"
    set_var EASYRSA_REQ_EMAIL     ""
    set_var EASYRSA_REQ_OU        "My Organizational Unit"

    Uncomment (remove the #) the folowing field

    #set_var EASYRSA_KEY_SIZE        2048
  5. Create the CA:

    ./easyrsa build-ca nopass
  6. Generate the Server Certificate and Key

    ./easyrsa build-server-full server nopass
  7. Generate Diffie-Hellman (DH) parameters

    ./easyrsa gen-dh
  8. Generate client credentials

    ./easyrsa build-client-full azure nopass
  9. Set environment variables for the CA certificate you just created.

    CACERT=$(openssl x509 -in pki/ca.crt -outform der | base64)

Set Envrionment Variables

AROCLUSTER=<cluster name>

ARORG=<resource group the cluster is in>


LOCATION=$(az aro show --name $AROCLUSTER --resource-group $ARORG --query location -o tsv)

VNET_NAME=$(az network vnet list -g $ARORG --query '[0].name' -o tsv)


GW_SUBNET_PREFIX=e.g. choose a new available subnet in the VNET your cluster is in.


Create an Azure Virtual Network Gateway

  1. Request a public IP Address

    az network public-ip create \
    -n $USER-pip-$UNIQUEID \
    -g $ARORG \
    --allocation-method Static \
    --sku Standard \
    --zone 1 2 3
    pip=$(az network public-ip show -g $ARORG --name $USER-pip-$UNIQUEID --query "ipAddress" -o tsv)
  2. Create a Gateway Subnet

    az network vnet subnet create \
    --vnet-name $VNET_NAME \
    -n GatewaySubnet \
    -g $ARORG \
    --address-prefix $GW_SUBNET_PREFIX
  3. Create a virtual network gateway

    az network vnet-gateway create \
    --name  $GW_NAME \
    --location $LOCATION \
    --public-ip-address $USER-pip-$UNIQUEID \
    --resource-group $ARORG \
    --vnet $VNET_NAME \
    --gateway-type Vpn \
    --sku VpnGw3AZ \
    --address-prefixes $VPN_PREFIX \
    --root-cert-data pki/ca.crt \
    --root-cert-name $USER-p2s \
    --vpn-type RouteBased \
    --vpn-gateway-generation Generation2 \
    --client-protocol IkeV2 OpenVPN

go grab a coffee, this takes about 15 - 20 minutes

Configure your OpenVPN Client

  1. Retrieve the VPN Settings

    From the Azure Portal - navigate to your Virtual Network Gateway, point to site configuration, and then click Download VPN Client. screenshot of download VPN client This will download a zip file containing the VPN Client

  2. Create a VPN Client Configuration

    Uncompress the file you downloaded in the previous step and edit the OpenVPN\vpnconfig.ovpn file.

    Note: The next two commands assume you are still in the easyrsa3 directory.

    In the vpnconfig.ovpn replace the $CLIENTCERTIFICATE line with the entire contents of:

    openssl x509 -in pki/issued/azure.crt

    Make sure to copy the —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– and the —–END CERTIFICATE—– lines.

    also replace $PRIVATEKEY line with the output of:

    cat pki/private/azure.key

    Make sure to copy the —–BEGIN PRIVATE KEY—– and the —–END PRIVATE KEY—– lines.

  3. add the new OpenVPN configuration file to your OpenVPN client.

    mac users - just double click on the vpnserver.ovpn file and it will be automatically imported.

  4. Connect your VPN.

    screenshot of Vpn Connected

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