The following post was created by Manfred Bortenschlager from 3scale.

The Red Hat Technology Partner and API Management solution vendor 3scale recently announced the availability of their Dockerized nginx-based API gateway on OpenShift v3.

The 3scale API gateway is a central part of the 3sale API Management solution. With the availability of the API gateway on OpenShift, users can integrate with the cloud-hosted 3scale API Management solution simply with just a few clicks. With this developers can leverage API Management key features such as controlling API access, defining usage contracts, analyzing API traffic and automatic reporting, leveraging developer portals (including interactive API documentation), or monetizing the access to APIs.

image00 Example of 3scale API Analytics Visualization.


A use case where OpenShift and 3scale are especially well-suited is for a microservice-based architecture (MSA). Microservices need to live in flexible, highly available and cost-effective environments that abstract away from many DevOps challenges, which is provided by OpenShift. In addition, API management adds business operations functionality by allowing full visibility and control over the microservices’ APIs. This is essential for building digital strategies on top of a MSA.  


The template for the 3scale API gateway can be obtained from Github and can be deployed on any existing OpenShift v3 infrastructure with just a few clicks (see screenshots at bottom of this post). Please refer to this tutorial for a more comprehensive, step-by-step description of setting up an OpenShift environment, creating a 3scale account and deploying the API gateway.  


For feedback or more information please get in touch.


