The release of Red Hat OpenShift 4.7 added a new vSphere Installer Provisioned Installation (IPI) option that makes it very easy to quickly provision an OpenShift cluster in a VMWare EXSi environment. This cluster could be used for some quick testing or development.

In this three part tutorial we will learn the OCP IPI process for VMWare, how to create user ids and set permissions, and install a simple application. In part one of the tutorial we will perform the installation and setup of OCP on VMware. Part 2 can be found here. Part 3 can be found here.

The "straight" out of the box installation creates three control plane nodes and three worker nodes with minimal effort. The EXSi IPI installation optional supports additional customizations, but in this example I will not use any of the customization capabilities.

For this tutorial I'm using a home built lab made up of three x86 8-core 64GB RAM machines formerly used for gaming purposes. The EXSi environment is a bare bones VMWare vSphere Essentials 7.0.3 setup. I'm using a two bay Synology NAS for shared storage across the vSphere cluster. Finally I ran the installation from a RHEL 8 server instance that was hosting both DNS and DHCP services. The command line instructions are run from a terminal of a RHEL 8 server VM running in this vSphere cluster.

Installation Steps

Installation Pre-reqs:

For an OpenShift 4.12 IPI vSphere installation, you need DNS and DHCP available for the cluster.

  • For the OpenShift 4.12 IPI you need to define two static IP addresses. One for the cluster api access and one for cluster ingress access * For my lab I use as the domain.
File Name Location Info /var/named/dynamic reverse zone file /var/named/dynamic forward zone file
  • Add the following to the forward zone file.
  api.ocp4	IN	A
*.apps.ocp4 IN A
  • Add the following to the reverse zone file.
  api.ocp4	A
*.apps.ocp4 A
201 IN PTR
  • Verify that both forward and reverse look up are working.
# dig +short
# dig -x +short
  • The DHCP service does not require any additional changes.

Create an ssh key for authentication to the control-plane node.

  1. Create an ssh key for the installation.
$ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' -f ~/.ssh/ocp412
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /home/pslucas/.ssh/ocp412.
Your public key has been saved in /home/pslucas/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|. oB*B+. |
| ... |
| . += . |

  1. Start up the ssh-agent and add the new key to the ssh-agent.
$ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
Agent pid 2383424
$ ssh-add /home/pslucas/.ssh/ocp412
Identity added: /home/pslucas/.ssh/ocp412 (

et the OCP 4.12 installation software

Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console page

  • On the OpenShift page of the Red Hat Hybrid Console page, choose the Clusters tab on the side and the click the blue Create Cluster button.

Create Cluster button

  • On the Clusters > Cluster Type page, click the Datacenter tab and scroll down on the screen and click the vSphere link.

OpenShift Console cluster type datacenter tab

  • On the Clusters > Cluster Type > VMWare vSphere page, click on the Local Agent-based tile.

OpenShift console cluster type tab Local agent-based tile

  • On the Clusters > Cluster Type > VMWare vSphere page > Local Agent-based install page choose the operating system where you will run the OpenShift installer (Linux or Mac). Choose the operating system for the Command line interface (Linux, Mac, or Windows). Download the OpenShift Installer, the Pull secret and the Command line interface.

Install OpenShift on vSphere with Local Agent

  • I made a separate directory named ocp412 in my home directory to run the installation for the OpenShift cluster. Move thet openshift-install-linux.tar.gz and pull-secret files there. In your install directory untar the openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
$ tar xvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
  • For the installation, we need the vCenter’s trusted root CA certificates to allow the OpenShift installation program to access your vCenter via it's API. You can download the vCenter certificates via the vCenter URL. For example, my vCenter URL to download the vCenter certificates is

  • Unzip the file that contains the vCenter certificates. With a Linux client you can use the "tree certs" command to see the files and file structure.

$ tree certs
├── lin
│   ├── 77850363.0
│   └── 77850363.r0
├── mac
│   ├── 77850363.0
│   └── 77850363.r0
└── win
├── 77850363.0.crt
└── 77850363.r0.crl

3 directories, 6 files
  • Use the following commands to update your system trust.
$ sudo cp certs/lin/* /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors
$ sudo update-ca-trust extract
  • We are now ready to deploy the OpenShift cluster. Change to the installation directory.

At the time that I created this article, there was a known bug in the OpenShift installer for 4.12 and you will have to generate the the install-config.yaml first and then modify it to run the installation. See this Red Hat Knowledge center article - Fail to install OCP cluster on VMware vSphere and Nutanix as apiVIP and ingressVIP are not in machine networks

  • Due to the bug, the install is a two step process. First we will run the install command with install-config option to generate the install-config.yaml that we will modify.

  • The install command will step you through a set of questions regarding the installation. Some answers may be pre-populated for you and you can use the up/down arrow key to choose the appropriate response. You can copy and paste the pull secret into the final question. Press the enter key after each selection. The OpenShift installation program creates a directory to store the installation artifacts (configuration, authentication information, log files, etc.) I called my installation artifacts directory ocp4 (--dir=ocp4). See the following completed example.

$ ./openshift-install create install-config --dir=ocp4
? SSH Public Key /home/pslucas/.ssh/
? Platform vsphere
? vCenter
? Username administrator@vsphere.local
? Password [? for help] *********
INFO Connecting to vCenter
INFO Defaulting to only available datacenter: LabDatacenter
INFO Defaulting to only available cluster: LabCluster
? Default Datastore LabDatastore
INFO Defaulting to only available network: VM Network
? Virtual IP Address for API
? Virtual IP Address for Ingress
? Base Domain
? Cluster Name ocp4
? Pull Secret [? for help] ***************************************************************************************************
INFO Install-Config created in: ocp4
  • After creating the install-config.yaml file, you will modify two sections in the install-config.yaml file. Under the networking section modify the cidr under the machineNetwork section.
- cidr:
hostPrefix: 23
- cidr:
  • Under the platform section modify both the apiVIPs and ingressVIPs IP addresses.
cluster: LabCluster
datacenter: LabDatacenter
defaultDatastore: LabDatastore
  • Now run the installation with the create cluster option. You'll see a series of messages like those below as the install progresses. This installation in my lab took about 39 minutes.

  • While the installation is running you can view the bootstrap VM creating the control-plane VMs and then the worker VMs in the vSphere client.

$ $ ./openshift-install create cluster --dir ./ocp4 --log-level=info
INFO Consuming Install Config from target directory
INFO Obtaining RHCOS image file from ''
INFO Creating infrastructure resources...
INFO Waiting up to 20m0s (until 4:55PM) for the Kubernetes API at
INFO API v1.25.4+a34b9e9 up
INFO Waiting up to 30m0s (until 5:07PM) for bootstrapping to complete...
INFO Destroying the bootstrap resources...
INFO Waiting up to 40m0s (until 5:33PM) for the cluster at to initialize...
INFO Checking to see if there is a route at openshift-console/console...
INFO Install complete!
INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/pslucas/ocp412/ocp4/auth/kubeconfig'
INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "SAxqE-...-zBEjz"
INFO Time elapsed: 39m9s
  • You can now log into your newly created OpenShift cluster using kubeadmin and the password created during the installation.  OpenShift Login page

  • You will now be at the Homepage of your OpenShift cluster.

Homepage for an OpenShift Cluster

  • You are ready to use your OCP 4.12 Cluster. Don't forget to install the command line client that you downloaded earlier.

Install the Command Line Interface

You have the choice of installing the OpenShift Command Line interface for Linux, Mac or Windows. In this part of the tutorial, I'm going to set up the command line on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 server that I used for the installation of the OpenShift cluster.

  • Untar the OpenShift client.
$ tar xvf openshift-client-linux.tar.gz
  • Move the oc and kubectl files to the /usr/local/bin directory.
$ sudo mv oc /usr/local/bin
$ sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin
  • Export the Kubeconfig file. Be sure to permanently add the export to your startup.
export KUBECONFIG=/home/pslucas/ocp412/ocp4/auth/kubeconfig
  • Now you can test your login to your OpenShift cluster.
$ oc login -u kubeadmin -p SAxqE-...-zBEjz
The server uses a certificate signed by an unknown authority.
You can bypass the certificate check, but any data you send to the server could be intercepted by others.
Use insecure connections? (y/n): y

WARNING: Using insecure TLS client config. Setting this option is not supported!

Login successful.

You have access to 67 projects, the list has been suppressed. You can list all projects with 'oc projects'

Using project "default".
Welcome! See 'oc help' to get started.

Create a local image registry

  • During this OpenShift installation, OpenShift skips creating an internal image registry since it isn't aware of shareable object storage that you might be using with a quick installation like in this example. For our openshift cluster, we will use the available VMWare datastore to define storage for our cluster.

  • We will enable the registry by first creating a persistent volume claim via the command line.

$ cat <<EOF >> image-registry-pvc.yaml
> apiVersion: v1
> kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
> metadata:
> name: image-registry-storage
> namespace: openshift-image-registry
> spec:
> accessModes:
> - ReadWriteOnce
> resources:
> requests:
> storage: 100Gi
> storageClassName: 'thin'
$ oc apply -f image-registry-pvc.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/image-registry-storage created
  • Next we will patch the image registry operatory config.
$ oc apply -f image-registry-pvc.yaml 
persistentvolumeclaim/image-registry-storage created
  • Wait a couple of minutes for the image registry pod to start. And we are all set.
$ oc get pods -n openshift-image-registry -l docker-registry=default
image-registry-7b55cf555c-8mj66 1/1 Running 0 9m17s


In part one of this three part tutorial we have seen how easily and quickly we can provision a standalone Red Hat OpenShift cluster to an EXSi environment via the Installer-provisioned Installation (IPI). We can use this standalone OpenShift cluster for some quick testing or development.

OpenShift provides you with an end-to-end enterprise ready kubernetes environment with all the tools. Openshift supports you from development and testing kubernetes based applications on the desktop and to deploying these applications to a production OpenShift cluster. Red Hat provides you with all the tools you need to automate your development and deployments. If you have a favorite tool or product you would like to use with OpenShift for development, CI/CD pipelines, security, etc., you can add those tools to your 100% kubernetes compliant OpenShift cluster.


About the author

Paul Lucas is a Chicagoland-based Red Hat Solutions Architect working with a variety of enterprise businesses. A 21 year technical sales veteran, Paul was previously a customer working at a benefits consulting firm, where he advised development teams on the use of Java and the then-emerging Java EE.

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