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Having an open, robust and compelling software-defined storage fabric such as Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) is advantageous to provide object, block, and file access methods for workloads deployed on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. In many cases OpenShift clusters are required to have data storage solution in place that is highly available for multiple OpenShift clusters to utilize and easily deployable using a minimum hardware footprint.

This blog highlights how using Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) in External Mode and OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF) together can achieve the desired flexibility for our storage needs. We will demonstrate this by deploying multiple OpenShift clusters and Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) on top of 3 physical distinct servers with available NVMe drives. OpenShift clusters will be deployed using Crucible Automation, then we will deploy Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 and lastly install and set up OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF) 4.9.6 operator on top of the OpenShift. All important steps required to set this minimum hardware environment for Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) and OpenShift Data Foundation(ODF) to work together are captured as part of this blog.

Setting up the Lab Environment

In order to run trails on a minimum hardware footprint, the lab environment uses 4 bare-metal server. One of the servers will be the bastion/ansible host from which we will set up Red Hat OpenShift and Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) clusters on the other remaining 3 bare-metal servers.

Using Crucible Automation, Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) hypervisor will be deployed on all of the 3 bare-metal server nodes and for both Red Hat OpenShift(OCP) clusters individual VMs will be created on top of each bare-metal node. In total we will have 6 running VMs and each of these seperately will be the control plane nodes for our OpenShift clusters. Separate VLANs will be created for both the OpenShift clusters.

Similar to the OpenShift clusters, the Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) cluster will also be deployed on a separate VLAN in order to validate that the cluster can run in “external mode” efficiently. Each of the 3 bare-metal servers consist of 3 x NVMe free drives and those will be leveraged for our Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) cluster, so in total we will have 9 Object Storage Daemon (OSD) configured.

OpenShift Clusters Installation & Setup using Crucible Automation

Crucible Automation

Crucible Automation is a set of playbooks for installing an OpenShift cluster on-premise using the developer preview version of the OpenShift Assisted Installer. Using Crucible, one can install and set up multiple OpenShift 4.9 clusters in a simplified automated way.

For our particular deployment, we need to ensure complete segregation of networks and using Crucible all the prerequisites for both OpenShift Clusters (DNS/DHCP/Bridging/VLANS) are set up with ease.

Clone Crucible repository using the commands below:

In order to use these playbooks to deploy OpenShift, the availability of a jump/bastion host (which can be virtual or physical) and a minimum of three target systems for the resulting cluster is required. These playbooks are intended to be run from the jump/bastion host that itself is subscribed to Red Hat Subscription Manager.

For this lab based deployment guide, we will try to create 2 clusters in total. The playbooks will run twice using separate inventory files for both clusters. Running the playbooks will deploy and set up a fully operational OpenShift cluster with control plane nodes deployed as virtual machines on top of each bare-metal server.

Each virtual machine for control plane nodes of OpenShift cluster should have the following minimum specifications:

  • vCPU: 6
  • Memory: 24GB
  • Disk: 120gb

Note: Make sure that firewall “masquerade” is “yes” because after the installation of Ceph this turns into “no”. If it stays in “no”, Crucible installation fails.

You can check this configuration in Bastion host with following command:

$ firewall-cmd --list-all
public (active)
target: default
icmp-block-inversion: no
interfaces: ceph.159 cni-podman0 eno2 rna3.158 rna4.157
services: ceph ceph-mon cockpit dhcpv6-client ntp ssh
ports: 80/tcp 8000/tcp 8090/tcp 8080/tcp 53/udp 67/udp 8888/tcp 9283/tcp 8443/tcp 9093/tcp 9094/tcp 3000/tcp 9095/tcp 9100/tcp
forward: no
masquerade: yes
rich rules:

If it is not “yes”, you can enable it with following command:

$ firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-masquerade

Installation Steps

Crucible Inventory files of our 2 OpenShift clusters can be retrieved here:

When inventory files for our cluster is ready, we can start the crucible deployment with following:

$ ansible-playbook -i vCP2inventory.yml site.yml

When deployment finishes, we can see the GUI address, password, kubeconfig file in our assisted installer GUI. It is possible to reach Assisted Installer GUI from http://<bastion_IP>:8080/clusters


If you click on one of the clusters, you can see the details about that cluster.


Connecting to OpenShift GUI

As we have deployed our OpenShift clusters on separate tagged VLANs, we need to enable SSH tunnel and proxy settings on our browser. First we need to create the SSH tunnel to our bastion host. We can create the SSH tunnel using this command:

$ ssh -f -N -D 8085 root@

Every time we want to connect to GUI, we have to make sure that this tunnel is active. To configure the proxy settings in our browser, In Firefox, we configure our proxy settings from this menu.

Sync Background   IMAGE53

Lastly, we need to configure local configuration to resolve the hostnames. Add the following entries in your /etc/hosts file:

Connecting to OpenShift CLI

In order to connect to OpenShift CLI we need to ensure that we have the kubeconfigs for both clusters present on our bastion host.

Using the post-install.yml playbook which is one of the playbooks we run as part of site.yml in installation steps above, one can generate these kubeconfigs automatically. If you do not deploy using crucible you will need to fetch the kubeconfig.

Once the kubeconfig is available on the bastion host, we can export the exact location of it to a variable KUBECONFIG

$ export KUBECONFIG=/home/redhat/rna3-kubeconfig

Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 Installation & Setup

Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 is chosen as the storage platform of choice for this lab installation. We will use the cephadm utility to deploy new Red Hat Ceph Storage clusters. It manages the entire life cycle of a RHCS cluster.

Installation and management tasks comprise of two main operations.

Day One operations will involve installing and bootstrapping a bare-minimum, containerized Ceph storage cluster, running on a single node. Day One also includes deploying the Monitor and Manager daemons and adding Ceph OSDs.

Day Two operations use the Ceph orchestration interface, cephadm orch, or the Red Hat Ceph Storage Dashboard to expand the storage cluster by adding other RHCS services to the storage cluster.

The cephadm utility consists of two main components:

cephadm shell: The cephadm shell launches a bash shell within a container. This enables you to perform “Day One” cluster setup tasks, such as installation and bootstrapping, and to invoke ceph commands.

cephadm orchestrator: The cephadm orchestrator enables you to perform “Day Two” Ceph functions, such as expanding the storage cluster and provisioning Ceph daemons and services.

Installation Steps

Registering the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes

In order to register the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes to the CDN and to attach subscriptions, we need to make sure that we have the following repositories enabled as part of our Red Hat subscription entitlements on all the hosts in our lab environment.

$ subscription-manager register (Red Hat username:password)
$ subscription-manager list --available --matches 'Red Hat Ceph Storage'
$ subscription-manager attach --pool=POOL_ID
$ subscription-manager repos --disable=*
$ subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-baseos-rpms
$ subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-8-for-x86_64-appstream-rpms
$ yum -y update
$ subscription-manager repos --enable=rhceph-5-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
$ subscription-manager repos --enable=ansible-2.9-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
$ yum install cephadm-ansible

To register via satellite: 

If you are using Red Hat Satellite, please ensure that you have the following repositories enabled and correctly synced.

Content>Red Hat Repositories



Click on Red Hat Ceph Storage and make sure that Ceph 5 Tools repositories are synced:



Configuring Ansible inventory location

Once cephadm-ansible is installed, we navigate to the /usr/share/cephadm-ansible/ directory and create/edit hosts file:


Enabling password-less SSH for ansible

Then we generate the SSH key pair in bastion host, we will accept the default file name and leave the passphrase empty:

$ ssh-keygen

After this we copy the public key to all nodes in the storage cluster.

ssh-copy-id root@metal1
ssh-copy-id root@metal2
ssh-copy-id root@metal3
ssh-copy-id root@bastion

Once we create and copy ssh keys to related hosts, we can verify ssh connections:

ssh root@metal1
ssh root@metal2
ssh root@metal3
ssh root@bastion

Lastly, we create the user’s SSH config file:

Host metal1
User root
Host metal2
User root
Host metal3
User root
Host bastion
User root

Running the preflight playbook

This cephadmn-preflight.yml playbook configures the Red Hat Ceph Storage repository and prepares the storage cluster for bootstrapping. It also installs some prerequisites, such as podman, lvm2, chronyd, and cephadm. The default location for cephadm-ansible and cephadm-preflight.yml is /usr/share/cephadm-ansible

$ ansible-playbook -i /usr/share/cephadm-ansible/hosts cephadm-preflight.yml --extra-vars "ceph_origin=rhcs"

Bootstrapping a new storage cluster

On the Bastion host /root directory we will create service configuration inital-config.yaml file for our storage cluster. The example file directs cephadm bootstrap to configure the initial host and two additional hosts:

service_type: host
service_type: host
service_type: host
service_type: host
service_type: rgw
service_type: mon
service_type: osd
service_id: default_drive_group
host_pattern: 'metal*'
- /dev/nvme2n1
- /dev/nvme1n1

On the bastion host /root directory, we will create a JSON file which will include login and password information. We will refer to this JSON file during bootstrapping command. We create the JSON file using the example below, the file is named mylogin.json.


Once the mylogin.json file is saved inside the /root directory in bastion host, we will bootstrap the storage cluster with the --apply-spec option:

$ cephadm bootstrap --apply-spec initial-config159.yaml --mon-ip --allow-fqdn-hostname --registry-json mylogin.json --initial-dashboard-password=redhat --dashboard-password-noupdate

NOTE: mon-ip: should be of the same node from where the command is being executed.

If everything goes well, Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster will get deployed and it is possible to reach the Ceph GUI from https://<bastion_host_IP>:8443. We can use admin/redhat as login information to GUI. In order to check Ceph's service containers are fully deployed, we need to connect to each host and check containers are working (podman ps --all). Also, we have to verify that Ceph Health Status is OK.

Note: It may take some time for all Ceph's Services to show stable working state.

Openshift Data Foundation Installation & Setup

  1. We will log in to the OpenShift Web Console.
  2. Navigate to Operator Hub, search for and install OpenShift Data Foundation

IMAGE9-Jun-08-2022-05-11-37-89-PM  3. We will set the following options on the Install Operator page:

  • Update Channel as stable-4.9.
  • Installation Mode as A specific namespace on the cluster.
  • Installed Namespace as Operator recommended namespace openshift-storage. If namespace openshift-storage does not exist, it is created during the operator installation.
  • Select Approval Strategy as Automatic or Manual.
  • If you select Automatic updates, then the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) automatically upgrades the running instance of your Operator without any intervention.
  • If you select Manual updates, then the OLM creates an update request. As a cluster administrator, you must then manually approve that update request to update the Operator to a newer version.
  • Ensure that the Enable option is selected for the Console plugin.
  • Click Install.

Prerequisites before Creating External Connection on ODF

We need to create a new OpenShift Data Foundation Cluster after we have installed the OpenShift Data Foundation operator.

RBD Pool Creation

We will have to make sure that the external Ceph cluster should have an RBD pool pre-configured. Red Hat recommends using a separate pool for each OpenShift Data Foundation cluster.

On the bastion host we will create new RBD pools for each OCS Cluster:

$ ceph osd pool create ceph-rbd1 3 3 replicated
$ ceph osd pool application enable ceph-rbd1 rbd --yes-i-really-mean-it
$ rbd pool init -p ceph-rbd1

$ ceph osd pool create ceph-rbd2 3 3 replicated
$ ceph osd pool application enable ceph-rbd2 rbd --yes-i-really-mean-it
$ rbd pool init -p ceph-rbd2


$ ceph osd lspools
$ ceph osd pool stats
$ ceph osd pool ls detail

Enabling MDS Service on Ceph Cluster

If an MDS is not deployed in the external cluster, ocs-external-storagecluster-cephfs storage class will not be created. This means that we need to first enable MDS service on our Ceph Cluster.

On the bastion host create new FS pools:

$ ceph osd pool create cephfs_data
$ ceph osd pool create cephfs_metadata

Create the file system for the data pools and metadata pools:

$ ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_metadata cephfs_data

Deploy MDS service using the ceph orch apply command:

$ ceph orch apply mds cephfs --placement="3"

External Connection Setup to RHCS

After all prerequisites are completed, we can continue with StorageSystem(external connection) creation from Openshift GUI:

  1. Click Operators → Installed to view all the installed operators.
  2. Ensure that the Project selected is Openshift-storage
  3. Click OpenShift Data Foundation and then click Create StorageSystem.
  4. In the Backing storage page, select the following options:
    • Select Connect an external storage platform from the available options.
    • Select Red Hat Ceph Storage for Storage platform.
    • Click Next.
  5. In the Connection details page, provide the necessary information: Click on the Download Script link to download the python script for extracting Ceph cluster details.(If this downloaded script is empty, make sure your Openshift version is 4.9.26/27/28, there is a bug in 4.9.0 version which we have faced) Save this file to the bastion host. Run this script with related information from your ceph cluster on the bastion host. It will generate a JSON file which will be needed to save for uploading to ODF. You can check the example from our setup:
python3 --rbd-data-pool-name ceph-rbd2 --monitoring-endpoint,,, --run-as-user client.ocs --rgw-endpoint

Save the JSON output from this script to a file with .json extension in your local PC. You can check sample JSON created from our cluster:

[{"name": "rook-ceph-mon-endpoints", "kind": "ConfigMap", "data": {"data": "", "maxMonId": "0", "mapping": "{}"}}, {"name": "rook-ceph-mon", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"admin-secret": "admin-secret", "fsid": "c3119c1c-c087-11ec-8518-b8599fb1167d", "mon-secret": "mon-secret"}}, {"name": "rook-ceph-operator-creds", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"userID": "client.ocs", "userKey": "AQCOz19iVgMSJxAAJ195Kh4D75yjTOh6YGI8+Q=="}}, {"name": "rook-csi-rbd-node", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"userID": "csi-rbd-node", "userKey": "AQCOz19iNmjEJxAAbPfP1NmSQI3p4aBIhMvNkQ=="}}, {"name": "ceph-rbd", "kind": "StorageClass", "data": {"pool": "ceph-rbd2"}}, {"name": "monitoring-endpoint", "kind": "CephCluster", "data": {"MonitoringEndpoint": ",,,", "MonitoringPort": "9283"}}, {"name": "rook-ceph-dashboard-link", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"userID": "ceph-dashboard-link", "userKey": ""}}, {"name": "rook-csi-rbd-provisioner", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"userID": "csi-rbd-provisioner", "userKey": "AQCOz19ilI5TKBAAsSQrYC8q9zLP2IK0l8YXUg=="}}, {"name": "rook-csi-cephfs-provisioner", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"adminID": "csi-cephfs-provisioner", "adminKey": "AQCOz19iAll1KRAAf9diSUJQf5kabJLCHDCZhw=="}}, {"name": "rook-csi-cephfs-node", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"adminID": "csi-cephfs-node", "adminKey": "AQCOz19ihx3dKBAAfEhpSqX+a3oAVt7QD4H/kw=="}}, {"name": "cephfs", "kind": "StorageClass", "data": {"fsName": "cephfs", "pool": "cephfs_data"}}, {"name": "ceph-rgw", "kind": "StorageClass", "data": {"endpoint": "", "poolPrefix": "default"}}, {"name": "rgw-admin-ops-user", "kind": "Secret", "data": {"accessKey": "EYHXSYHVDXSYZUW7AA3C", "secretKey": "if0atcE9vQjXyhT4wuGqIHcZZulfzxi69pesy0CB"}}]
  1. Click Browse to select and upload the JSON file (The content of the JSON file is populated and displayed in the text box)
  2. Click Next (Next button is enabled only after you upload the .json file)
  3. In the Review and create page, review if all the details are correct. To modify any configuration settings, click Back to go back to the previous configuration page.
  4. Click Create StorageSystem.

Verification of External Connection Setup

Verifying the state of the pods

  1. Click Workloads → Pods from the left pane of the OpenShift Web Console.
  2. Select openshift-storage from the Project drop-down list.


Verifying that the storage classes are created and listed

  1. Click Storage → Storage Classes from the left pane of the OpenShift Web Console.
  2. Verify that the following storage classes are created with the OpenShift Data Foundation cluster creation:
    • ocs-external-storagecluster-ceph-rbd
    • ocs-external-storagecluster-ceph-rgw
    • ocs-external-storagecluster-cephfs


NOTE: If an MDS is not deployed in the external cluster, ocs-external-storagecluster-cephfs storage class will not be created. If you forgot to enable MDS in your Ceph Cluster please refer to Enabling MDS Service on Ceph Cluster. If RGW is not deployed in the external cluster, the ocs-external-storagecluster-ceph-rgw storage class will not be created.

Verifying that Ceph cluster is connected

We can run the following command to verify if the OpenShift Data Foundation cluster is connected to the external Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.

$ oc get ceph cluster -n openshift-storage

Verifying that storage cluster is ready

We can run the following command to verify if the storage cluster is ready and the External option is set to true.

$ oc get storagecluster -n openshift-storage

Testing Ceph RBD Connection

It is possible to test RBD connection with creating a PVC with RBD Storage Class on our OpenShift cluster and attaching it to a pod. Example of such PVC is like that:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: production-application
- ReadWriteOnce
storageClassName: ocs-external-storagecluster-ceph-rbd
storage: 10Gi

Example of the test pod:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: ceph-pod-test
- name: ceph-busybox
command: ["sleep", "60000"]
- name: ceph-vol-test
mountPath: /usr/share/busybox
readOnly: false
- name: ceph-vol-test
claimName: production-application

After we have PVC and Pod definitions ready, we can create these resources on our OpensShift cluster:

$ oc apply -f pvc.yml

After PVC is created, we check the status of PVC. In this output of the following command, the important thing is to check that the Status of PVC should be Bound, this means that our RBD storage class is working.

$ oc get pvc
production-application Bound pvc-69b045db-a667-4c6c-9cec-85495c1a0b1a 10Gi RWO ocs-external-storagecluster-ceph-rbd 8s

Now, we can also create our test pod:

$ oc apply -f test_pod.yml

Next thing we need to check is connecting to our Ceph GUI and see if our PVC is created ad RBD image on our Ceph cluster. On the Ceph GUI, we should navigate to Block→Images  IMAGE122

Here in the screenshot above, we can see that our PVC is created as RBD image on our Ceph Cluster in the “ceph-rbd1” pool. Our first OpenShift cluster was attached to “ceph-rbd1” RBD pool in our Ceph Cluster and second OpenShift cluster was attached to “ceph-rbd2” RBD pool.

Last thing we can check about this rbd storage is attached to the storage of our pod. So, we can connect to the terminal of our pod in OpenShift GUI and run “df -h”.


Here, we can see that our RBD storage is attached in the volume mounts on /usr/share/busybox.

Note: Similar test can be also done for CephFS connection. Only change needed is editing the storageclass to “ocs-external-storagecluster-cephfs” in PVC definition YML.

Testing Image Registry to use External Connection

OpenShift Container Platform provides a built-in Container Image Registry which runs as a standard workload on the cluster. A registry is typically used as a publication target for images built on the cluster as well as a source of images for workloads running on the cluster.

Configuring Image Registry
  1. Create a Persistent Volume Claim for the Image Registry to use.
    • In the OpenShift Web Console, click Storage → Persistent Volume Claims.
    • Set the Project to openshift-image-registry.
    • Click Create Persistent Volume Claim.
      • From the list of available storage classes retrieved above, specify the Storage Class with the provisioner
      • Specify the Persistent Volume Claim Name, for example, ocs4registry.
      • Specify an Access Mode of Shared Access (RWX).
      • Specify a Size of at least 100 GB.
      • Click Create. Wait until the status of the new Persistent Volume Claim is listed as Bound.
  2. Configure the cluster’s Image Registry to use the new Persistent Volume Claim.
    • To configure your registry to use storage, change the in the configs.imageregistry/cluster resource

Verify that you do not have a registry pod:

$ oc get pod -n openshift-image-registry -l docker-registry=default
No resourses found in openshift-image-registry namespace

Edit the registry configuration.

$ oc edit
claim: ocs4registry
...output omitted...

Check the clusteroperator status:

$ oc get clusteroperator image-registry

Ensure that your registry is set to managed to enable building and pushing of images.

$ oc edit configs.imageregistry/cluster

Then, change the line managementState: Removed To managementState: Managed


- Verify that the new configuration is being used.
- Click Workloads Pods.
- Set the Project to openshift-image-registry.
- Verify that the new image-registry-* pod appears with a status of Running, and that the previous image-registry-* pod terminates.
- Click the new image-registry-* pod to view pod details.
- Scroll down to Volumes and verify that the registry-storage volume has a Type that matches your new Persistent Volume Claim, for example, ocs4registry.
Exposing Image Registry

In order to access our image registry outside the OpenShift Cluster(for example from Bastion host) and make some tests, we need to first expose it. To expose the registry using the defaultRoute:

  1. Set defaultRoute to true:
$ oc patch --patch '{"spec":{"defaultRoute":true}}' --type=merge
  1. Get the default registry route:
$ HOST=$(oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='{{ }}')
  1. Get the certificate of the Ingress Operator:
$ oc get secret -n openshift-ingress  router-certs-default -o go-template='{{index .data "tls.crt"}}' | base64 -d | sudo tee /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/${HOST}.crt  > /dev/null
  1. Enable the cluster’s default certificate to trust the route using the following commands:
$ sudo update-ca-trust enable
  1. Log in with podman using the default route:
$ sudo podman login -u kubeadmin -p $(oc whoami -t) $HOST
Accessing and Testing Image Registry

First we need to get image registry address. In Exposing Image Registry section, we were setting address to HOST variable. We can get that address name in Bastion host with:

$ echo $HOST

In order to test our registry, we will tag an image and then push it to our internal registry. You can choose any image in your “podman images”. Here you can find an example:

$ podman tag

Then, we need to get our image registry password, we can get it with following command:

$ echo $(oc whoami -t)

Now, we can push our image to our registry:

$ podman push --creds kubeadmin:sha256~Wh60WhO3JEMW1vmO0TaujxQVI_VT43eoBikb

In order to verify that, image is being pushed to our Ceph-FS, we can connect to Ceph GUI and check File Systems tab on the left hand side.



To sum up, we highlighted how using Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) in external mode and OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF) together can achieve the desired flexibility for our storage needs on a minimum hardware footprint. For our OpenShift cluster deployments it was beneficial to use Crucible automation to get the desired segregation for our OpenShift clusters on three distinct physical servers. The approach as well as all important steps for installing Red Hat Ceph Storage (RHCS) 5 and OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF) 4.9.6 were shown as part of the blog and for more reference please check out the following resources:

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