The Enterprisers Project always has great information for folks dealing with the 30,000 foot view of the open hybrid cloud. While they'd use the somewhat abused term "Digital Transformation" to describe their area of coverage, we like to see them as the gadflies talking to CIOs all over the place about how the cloud will change their businesses. Check out these three nifty stories they've run over the past month.

Hybrid Cloud Strategy: 4 Signs Yours Needs a Refresh


From the article:

#2 You start to expect the unexpected in your cloud bills

Over the long haul, one or two surprises in your cloud bills aren’t always cause for immediate alarm. But if you’re regularly or even semi-regularly caught off-guard by your bills – and especially if you can’t explain why they’re higher than you anticipated – then something’s wrong.

Hybrid cloud examples: 3 ways enterprises are using it now


From the article: 

The path to hybrid cloud can be paved by a series of accidental steps.

As Red Hat technology evangelist Gordon Haff recently noted: “Many organizations fall into hybrid cloud through some combination of acquisitions, lack of coordination among lines of business, or just a lot of ad hoc actions taken on a project-by-project basis.”

In many cases, that less-intentional adoption of hybrid cloud is driven by various pressures to move certain applications to a public cloud, and quickly.


Hybrid cloud strategy: 5 expert tips


From the article:

#1 Get your own house in order

Mark Jamensky, VP of products for cloud management at Snow, points out that any bad habits or broken processes that have afflicted your on-premises infrastructure and applications are likely to be replicated rather than corrected by a move to cloud outside of your own datacenter.

“If you are early in your hybrid cloud journey, you want to ensure you’ve cleaned up your on-premises environment before you begin to assess and adopt any public cloud,” Jamensky says.

About the author

Red Hatter since 2018, tech historian, founder of, serial non-profiteer.

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