This is a guest post written by Jeff Fry, Senior Technical Alliance Manager, Business Development ISV, at JFrog.

With enterprises adopting cloud strategies like hybrid cloud and multi-cloud and exploring cloud migration strategies, cloud-native Kubernetes has promised to be the universal technology that makes migration from on-premise easier. But that promise has been difficult to achieve with such a complex technology. Each cloud provider has its own Kubernetes, and they have different features and different methods of management. How do you seamlessly manage your on-premise Kubernetes and your cloud provider Kubernetes? How do you manage Kubernetes across the cloud providers?

Developers on Kubernetes need to consider their DevOps toolchain: source code control, orchestration, package management, secure development practices, multiple development environments, and deployment. How do they align these with an enterprise cloud strategy? How do you develop your applications to be portable across these hybrid and multi-cloud Kubernetes? Which developer tools support development across on-premise and the cloud? Which ones natively support Kubernetes development?

The answers require carefully choosing a Kubernetes platform and a development platform designed to seamlessly work together to develop hybrid and multi-cloud environments. OpenShift, OpenShift Pipelines, and the JFrog platform achieve this goal of providing universal infrastructure and a development platform across cloud and on-premise. OpenShift clusters can span your on-premise data centers and AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform cloud infrastructure. You have a common management console to manage these clusters and their workloads. OpenShift is the abstraction layer to the on-premise and cloud infrastructure. Whether your nodes are running on vSphere or EC2 instances, OpenShift enables you to manage them the same way.

OpenShift Pipelines provides the cloud-native orchestration that automates your development and software delivery. OpenShift Pipelines leverages Kubernetes to allow you to efficiently use your software delivery infrastructure because of the ephemeral build workloads. In the cloud, this is particularly valuable due to on-demand infrastructure from the cloud providers. And OpenShift Pipelines can build and deploy on-premise and in the cloud.

With the JFrog Platform and JFrog Artifactory and Xray, you have secure binary management that spans your OpenShift clusters. Artifactory and Xray can be installed into your same OpenShift clusters! With support for Docker registries and Helm chart repositories, Artifactory acts as ar fully traceable Kubernetes registry, and a trusted source for the software you deploy. This is in addition to repositories for all major package types across many languages (including Java, npm, NuGet, Python, Golang, and more) and runtime environments. Security is built-in with Xray automatically scanning your packages and Docker images before they are deployed to your OpenShift clusters.

So how might your developers deliver their software using OpenShift, OpenShift Pipelines, and the JFrog Platform? Let’s take a look at a simple NPM web application. OpenShift Pipelines, Artifactory, and Xray are deployed on OpenShift. Then you configure a pipeline through OpenShift Pipelines YAML to clone your code repository for your application, perform a NPM install, NPM publish, Docker build, and then do a Docker push to a repository in Artifactory. Once deployed to Artifactory, Xray automatically scans the NPM packages and the Docker image for security vulnerabilities. Finally, deploy your Docker image to the OpenShift cluster. This can be the same cluster, an on-premise cluster, or a cloud cluster. It is that simple when you are leveraging a common infrastructure and development platform. An example of this pipeline can be found here.

To see a demonstration of how to build and run this pipeline on OpenShift, join Red Hat and JFrog for a live webinar January 21, 10:30 a.m.  PST or sign up to catch the on-demand recording. The Red Hat and JFrog team will build and execute a pipeline to see which is faster, pizza delivery or a software build on OpenShift!  Register Now >

About the author

Red Hatter since 2018, tech historian, founder of, serial non-profiteer.

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