Red Hat OpenShift can run and manage both Linux and Windows containers from one platform, so you're able to move Windows containers to OpenShift without needing to completely re-architect or write new code. And this week, Christian Hernandez, Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat Cloud Platforms Business Unit, joins the live stream to cover the ins and outs of bringing your own Windows nodes to OpenShift. 

This stream we discussed the role and use cases for Windows nodes, and we explored configuring a cluster with hybrid Open Virtual Networking (OVN) Kubernetes networking and using the Red Hat Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) to install and manage Windows nodes.

We also spent a few minutes at the start of this stream to celebrate the one year anniversary of the Ask an OpenShift Admin live stream! 42 episodes in 52 weeks with more than 40 thousand views! You can hear even more statistics about the stream, and individual episodes, during stream at the time linked above.

Thank you so much to our audience! You are the reason we’re here and we hope you continue to find the stream valuable - don’t hesitate to contact us with requests and suggestions!

As always, please see the list below for additional links to specific topics, questions, and supporting materials for the episode!

If you’re interested in more streaming content, please subscribe to the Red Hat livestreaming calendar to see the upcoming episode topics and to receive any schedule changes. If you have questions or topic suggestions for the Ask an OpenShift Admin Office Hour, please contact us via Discord, Twitter, or come join us live, Wednesdays at 11am EDT / 1500 UTC, on YouTube and Twitch.

Episode 43 recorded stream:

Use this link to jump directly to where we start talking about today’s topic. 

This week’s top of mind topics:

Questions answered and topics discussed during the stream: